Database of Labels and Messages management

Messages Editor is a Freeware (free of charge) of Messages and Labels database management tool, primarily to manage text-based content and their translation of the BLQ-software, but also features open to different message formats: TXT, CSV, INI, HTML, XSLT,...

Internal Labels and Messages of Software

The concept of database of Labels and Messages is linked to one file. That is, a basis corresponds to a single file on the hard disk of the Windows workstation. A database, so a file, must be accessible via Windows Explorer, to allow an opening from software. Once the database is open, a screen displays its contents.

A database of Labels and Messages is simply an XML file. It is therefore not a binary format not available without the software. Within the XML file, the tags correspond to a precise and organization specific to the interpretation of the software. Direct change of the tags is possible, but improper handling can make inoperative the use of the XML file by the Messages Editor. The XML file is directly accessible to the consultation via Internet Explorer or any other ASCII editor.

Why a database of Labels and Messages?

Apart from the user manual, software includes several texts, such as buttons, drop-down menus and information messages. These texts can be inserted directly in the software, but implies only one version, therefore, a priori, the use of a single language.

A database of messages is used to outsource the software, any portion of the texts used by the software. So, if the texts are no longer in the executable software, they are easy to adapt. The first adaptation is the ability to translate them independaments of the software creation (compilation).

Main screen
Main software screen allows to create, open and close Labels and Messages Database. Statistics overview is displayed on it.


The Organization of the database consists of 3 groups corresponding to a classification of the labels and Messages in software:

  1. Generic Groupe Global: the global messages of the software without specific association.
  2. Window Groupe Ecran: messages are necessarily associated with a graphic display (window) of the software, organized in Messages the display Labels in global (menu, button, etc.) and Tips (displayed information from the mouse pointer) on the screen graphics objects.
  3. Class Grroupe Class: global messages associated with a specific category related to a functional treatment of software.

Each set of these 3 groups is associated with a language (country). If any part of the contents of the Labels and Messages is reusable by multiple software, each software has its own database of messages.

Language editor screen
Language edition screen is design with few tabs. First one gives global description and statistics.
